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    Width of the canopy* i

    Depth of the canopy* i

    Roof covering

    [wpmlcf7-7-group group-farbe-alu-terrasse class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Color of the aluminum elements

    [select farbealu-terrasse exclusive first_as_label Farbe auswählen Standard Weiß RAL9016 Standard Silber RAL9006s Standard Graualuminium RAL9007s Standard Anthrazit DB703s Sonderfarbe ]

    [wpmlcf7-8-group group-rinne-terrasse class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Rain gutter* i

    Standard - angular

    Attachment - round

    Top - corrugated


    [select* regenrinne-terrasse exclusive first_as_label Regenrinne auswählen Eckig - Standard Aufsatz Gewellt Aufsatz Rund ]


    [wpmlcf7-9-group group-stuetze-terrasse class:half-width clear_on_hide]


    [select* pfosten-terrasse exclusive first_as_label Stützen auswählen Stützenform Eckig Stützenform Rund ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-10-group group-licht-terrasse class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    LED lighting*

    [select* beleuchtung-terrasse exclusive first_as_label LED-Beleuchtung auswählen ohne Beleuchtung mit 1 Set (6 LEDs) mit 2 Sets (12 LEDs) mit 3 Sets (18 LEDs) ] [/]

    [wpmlcf7-11-group group-montageart-terrasse class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Mounting type*

    [select* montageart-terrasse first_as_label Montageart auswählen Wandbefestigung freistehend ]

    [wpmlcf7-12-group group-montage-terrasse class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* assembly-terrace first_as_label Select assembly service with assembly (all-round service) without assembly (as a kit) incl. delivery without assembly (as a kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-12-group][/]

    [wpmlcf7-13-group group-daemmung-wand-terrasse clear_on_hide]

    Exterior insulation present?

    [/] [wpmlcf7-14-group group-daemmung-masse-terrasse] Dimensions in cm [/wpmlcf7-14-group]

    [wpmlcf7-15-group group-bauweise-wand-terrasse clear_on_hide]

    House construction?*

    [checkbox* bauweise-terrasse use_label_element exclusive Massiv Holzständer ] [/]

    [wpmlcf7-16-group group-holz-terrasse clear_on_hide]

    Attention! Only possible with ring anchor!

    [wpmlcf7-17-group group-sonderfarbe-terrasse clear_on_hide]

    Specification of the special color of the aluminum elements


    [wpmlcf7-18-group group-zusatz-markise-terrasse clear_on_hide]

    Select more products


    Put together your desired awning

    [wpmlcf7-19-group group-beschattung-terrasse class:half-width]

    Type of shading

    [select beschattungsart-terrasse exclusive first_as_label Beschattung auswählen Aufdach-Markise Unterdach-Markise Senkrechtmarkise Sonnensegel ]

    [wpmlcf7-20-group group-antrieb-terrasse class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Awning drive

    [select markisenantrieb-terrasse exclusive first_as_label Markisenantrieb auswählen Markise mit manueller Handkurbel Markise mit Elektromotor Markise mit Funkfernbedienung ]

    [wpmlcf7-21-group group-antrieb-terrasse-aufdach class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Awning drive

    [select markisenantrieb-terrasse-aufdach exclusive first_as_label Markisenantrieb auswählen Markise mit Elektromotor Markise mit Funkfernbedienung ]

    Width of the shading type*

    Depth of shading type

    Color of the awnings

    Color of the awning cassette*

    [wpmlcf7-26-group group-montage-markise-terrasse class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* markise-zusatz-terrasse first_as_label select assembly service with assembly (all-round service) without assembly (as a kit) incl. delivery without assembly (as a kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-26-group][/]


    [wpmlcf7-27-group group-sonderfarbe-terrasse-zusatz class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Specification of the special color of the awning cassette


    Put together your desired privacy screen

    Width of the privacy screen*

    Height of the privacy screen*

    [wpmlcf7-28-group group-design-terrasse-sicht clear_on_hide]

    Design selection

    [select design-terrasse-sicht first_as_label Design auswählen Aluminium VSG opal Aluminium / VSG opal ]

    [wpmlcf7-29-group group-farbe-terrasse-sicht clear_on_hide]

    Color of the aluminum elements

    [select farbealu-zusatz-terrasse-sicht exclusive first_as_label Farbe auswählen Standard Weiß RAL9016 Standard Silber RAL9006s Standard Graualuminium RAL9007s Standard Anthrazit DB703s Sonderfarbe ]

    [wpmlcf7-30-group group-montageart-sichtschutz-terrasse clear_on_hide]

    Mounting type*

    [select* montageart-sicht-terrasse first_as_label Montageart auswählen freistehend an Überdachung ]

    [wpmlcf7-31-group group-montage-sichtschutz-terrasse clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* screen-terrace first_as_label select installation service with installation (all-round service) without installation (as a kit) incl. delivery without installation (as a kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-31-group] [/]



    Width of the canopy* i

    Depth of the canopy* i

    Color of the aluminum elements

    Rain gutter* i

    [wpmlcf7-36-group group-stuetze-solar clear_on_hide class:half-width]


    [select* pfosten-solar exclusive first_as_label Stützen auswählen Stützenform Eckig Stützenform Rund ]

    [wpmlcf7-37-group group-licht-solar clear_on_hide class:half-width]

    LED lighting*

    [select* beleuchtung-solar exclusive first_as_label LED-Beleuchtung auswählen ohne Beleuchtung mit 1 Set (6 LEDs) mit 2 Sets (12 LEDs) mit 3 Sets (18 LEDs) ] [/]

    [wpmlcf7-38-group group-montageart-solar clear_on_hide class:half-width]

    Mounting type*

    [select* montageart-solar first_as_label Montageart auswählen Wandbefestigung freistehend ]

    [wpmlcf7-39-group group-montage-solar clear_on_hide class:half-width]

    Assembly service*

    [select* montage-solar first_as_label Select assembly service with assembly (all-round service) without assembly (as a kit) incl. delivery without assembly (as a kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-39-group][/]

    [wpmlcf7-40-group group-daemmung-wand-solar clear_on_hide]

    Exterior insulation present?

    [/] [wpmlcf7-41-group group-daemmung-masse-solar] Dimensions in cm [/wpmlcf7-41-group]

    [wpmlcf7-42-group group-bauweise-wand-solar clear_on_hide]

    House construction?*

    [checkbox* bauweise-solar use_label_element exclusive Massiv Holzständer ] [/]

    [wpmlcf7-43-group group-holz-solar clear_on_hide]

    Attention! Only possible with ring anchor!

    [wpmlcf7-44-group group-sonderfarbe-solar clear_on_hide]

    Specification of the special color of the aluminum elements


    [wpmlcf7-45-group group-zusatz-markise-solar clear_on_hide]

    Select more products


    Put together your desired awning

    [wpmlcf7-46-group group-beschattung-solar class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Type of shading

    [select beschattungsart-solar exclusive first_as_label Beschattung auswählen Unterdach-Markise Senkrechtmarkise Sonnensegel ]

    [wpmlcf7-47-group group-antrieb-solar class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Awning drive

    [select markisenantrieb-solar exclusive first_as_label Markisenantrieb auswählen Markise mit manueller Handkurbel Markise mit Elektromotor Markise mit Funkfernbedienung ]

    [wpmlcf7-48-group group-antrieb-solar-aufdach class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Awning drive

    [select markisenantrieb-solar-aufdach exclusive first_as_label Markisenantrieb auswählen Markise mit Elektromotor Markise mit Funkfernbedienung ]

    Width of the shading type*

    Depth of shading type

    Color of the awnings

    Color of the awning cassette*

    [wpmlcf7-53-group group-montage-markise-solar class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* markise-zusatz-solar first_as_label Select installation service with installation (all-round service) without installation (as a kit) incl. delivery without installation (as a kit) Self-collection [/wpmlcf7-53-group][/]


    [wpmlcf7-54-group group-sonderfarbe-solar-zusatz class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Specification of the special color of the awning cassette


    Put together your desired privacy screen

    [wpmlcf7-55-group group-breite-sicht-solar clear_on_hide]

    Width of the privacy screen*

    Height of the privacy screen*

    [wpmlcf7-57-group group-design-solar-sicht class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Design selection*

    [select* design-solar-sicht first_as_label Design auswählen Aluminium VSG opal Aluminium / VSG opal ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-58-group group-farbe-solar-sicht class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Color of the aluminum elements

    [select farbealu-zusatz-solar-sicht exclusive first_as_label Farbe auswählen Standard Weiß RAL9016 Standard Silber RAL9006s Standard Graualuminium RAL9007s Standard Anthrazit DB703s Sonderfarbe ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-59-group group-montageart-sichtschutz-solar class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Mounting type*

    [select* montageart-sicht-solar first_as_label Montageart auswählen freistehend an Überdachung ]

    [wpmlcf7-60-group group-montage-sichtschutz-solar class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* sichtschutz-solar first_as_label select installation service with installation (all-round service) without installation (as a kit) incl. delivery without installation (as a kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-60-group][/]

    [wpmlcf7-61-group group-sonderfarbe-sichschutz-solar-zusatz class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Specification of the special color of the aluminum elements*




    Width of the canopy* i

    Depth of the canopy* i

    Roof covering

    [wpmlcf7-65-group group-farbe-alu-carport class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Color of the aluminum elements

    [select farbealu-carport exclusive first_as_label Farbe auswählen Standard Weiß RAL9016 Standard Silber RAL9006s Standard Graualuminium RAL9007s Standard Anthrazit DB703s Sonderfarbe ]

    [wpmlcf7-66-group group-rinne-carport class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Rain gutter* i

    Standard - angular

    Attachment - round

    Top - corrugated


    [select* regenrinne-carport exclusive first_as_label Regenrinne auswählen Eckig - Standard Aufsatz Gewellt Aufsatz Rund ]


    [wpmlcf7-67-group group-stuetze-carport class:half-width clear_on_hide]


    [select* pfosten-carport exclusive first_as_label Stützen auswählen Stützenform Eckig Stützenform Rund ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-68-group group-licht-carport class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    LED lighting*

    [select* beleuchtung-carport exclusive first_as_label LED-Beleuchtung auswählen ohne Beleuchtung mit 1 Set (6 LEDs) mit 2 Sets (12 LEDs) mit 3 Sets (18 LEDs) ] [/]

    [wpmlcf7-69-group group-montageart-carport class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Mounting type*

    [select* montageart-carport first_as_label Montageart auswählen Wandbefestigung freistehend ]

    [wpmlcf7-70-group group-montage-carport class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* montage-carport first_as_label select assembly service with assembly (all-round service) without assembly (as a kit) incl. delivery without assembly (as a kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-70-group][/]

    [wpmlcf7-71-group group-daemmung-wand-carport clear_on_hide]

    Exterior insulation present?

    [/] [wpmlcf7-72-group group-daemmung-masse-carport] Dimensions in cm [/wpmlcf7-72-group]

    [wpmlcf7-73-group group-bauweise-wand-carport clear_on_hide]

    House construction?*

    [checkbox* bauweise-carport use_label_element exclusive Massiv Holzständer ] [/]

    [wpmlcf7-74-group group-holz-carport clear_on_hide]

    Attention! Only possible with ring anchor!

    [wpmlcf7-75-group group-sonderfarbe-carport clear_on_hide]

    Specification of the special color of the aluminum elements


    [wpmlcf7-76-group group-zusatz-geraete-carport clear_on_hide]

    Select more products

    [checkbox geraete-carport KD AlphaBox (Gerätehaus) KD Sichtschutz ]


    Put together the shed you want

    [wpmlcf7-77-group group-vier-geraete-carport clear_on_hide]

    Width *



    Multi-purpose door

    [wpmlcf7-81-group group-farbe-geraete-carport class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Color of the aluminum elements

    [select farbealu-geraete-carport exclusive first_as_label Farbe auswählen Standard Weiß RAL9016 Standard Silber RAL9006s Standard Graualuminium RAL9007s Standard Anthrazit DB703s Sonderfarbe ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-82-group group-montage-geraete-carport class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* geraete-montage-carport first_as_label select assembly service with assembly (all-round service) without assembly (as kit) incl. delivery without assembly (as kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-82-group][/]

    [wpmlcf7-83-group group-sonderfarbe-carport-zusatz class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Specification of the special color of the aluminum elements



    Put together your desired privacy screen

    [wpmlcf7-84-group group-breite-sicht-carport class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Width of the privacy screen*

    Height of the privacy screen*

    [wpmlcf7-86-group group-design-carport-sicht class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Design selection

    [select design-terrasse-carport first_as_label Design auswählen Aluminium VSG opal Aluminium / VSG opal ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-87-group group-farbe-carport-sicht class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Color of the aluminum elements

    [select farbealu-zusatz-carport-sicht exclusive first_as_label Farbe auswählen Standard Weiß RAL9016 Standard Silber RAL9006s Standard Graualuminium RAL9007s Standard Anthrazit DB703s Sonderfarbe ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-88-group group-montageart-sichtschutz-carport class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Mounting type*

    [select* montageart-sicht-carport first_as_label Montageart auswählen freistehend an Überdachung ]

    [wpmlcf7-89-group group-montage-sichtschutz-carport class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* screen protection carport first_as_label select assembly service with assembly (all-round service) without assembly (as a kit) incl. delivery without assembly (as a kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-89-group][/]

    [wpmlcf7-90-group group-sonderfarbe-sichschutz-carport-zusatz class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Specification of the special color of the aluminum elements




    Width of the canopy* i

    Depth of the canopy* i

    Roof covering

    [wpmlcf7-94-group group-farbe-alu-wintergarten class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Color of the aluminum elements

    [select farbealu-wintergarten exclusive first_as_label Farbe auswählen Standard Weiß RAL9016 Standard Silber RAL9006s Standard Graualuminium RAL9007s Standard Anthrazit DB703s Sonderfarbe ]

    [wpmlcf7-95-group group-rinne-wintergarten class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Rain gutter* i

    Standard - angular

    Attachment - round

    Top - corrugated


    [select* regenrinne-wintergarten exclusive first_as_label Regenrinne auswählen Eckig - Standard Aufsatz Gewellt Aufsatz Rund ]


    [wpmlcf7-96-group group-stuetze-wintergarten class:half-width clear_on_hide]


    [select* pfosten-wintergarten exclusive first_as_label Stützen auswählen Stützenform Eckig Stützenform Rund ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-97-group group-licht-wintergarten class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    LED lighting*

    [select* beleuchtung-wintergarten exclusive first_as_label LED-Beleuchtung auswählen ohne Beleuchtung mit 1 Set (6 LEDs) mit 2 Sets (12 LEDs) mit 3 Sets (18 LEDs) ] [/]

    [wpmlcf7-98-group group-montageart-wintergarten class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Mounting type*

    [select* montageart-wintergarten first_as_label Montageart auswählen Wandbefestigung freistehend ]
    [wpmlcf7-99-group group-montage-wintergarten class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* montage-wintergarten first_as_label select assembly service with assembly (all-round service) without assembly (as a kit) incl. delivery without assembly (as a kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-99-group][/]

    [wpmlcf7-100-group group-daemmung-wand-wintergarten clear_on_hide]

    Exterior insulation present?

    [/] [wpmlcf7-101-group group-daemmung-masse-winter] Dimensions in cm [/wpmlcf7-101-group]

    [wpmlcf7-102-group group-bauweise-wand-wintergarten clear_on_hide]

    House construction?*

    [checkbox* bauweise-wintergarten use_label_element exclusive Massiv Holzständer ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-103-group group-holz-wintergarten clear_on_hide]

    Attention! Only possible with ring anchor!

    [wpmlcf7-104-group group-sonderfarbe-wintergarten clear_on_hide]

    Specification of special colors


    [wpmlcf7-105-group group-zusatz-wintergarten clear_on_hide]

    Select more products


    Put together your desired awning

    [wpmlcf7-106-group group-beschattung-wintergarten class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Type of shading

    [select beschattungsart-wintergarten exclusive first_as_label Beschattung auswählen Aufdach-Markise Unterdach-Markise Senkrechtmarkise Sonnensegel ]

    [wpmlcf7-107-group group-antrieb-wintergarten class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Awning drive

    [select markisenantrieb-wintergarten exclusive first_as_label Markisenantrieb auswählen Markise mit manueller Handkurbel Markise mit Elektromotor Markise mit Funkfernbedienung ]

    [wpmlcf7-108-group group-antrieb-wintergarten-aufdach class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Awning drive

    [select markisenantrieb-wintergarten-aufdach exclusive first_as_label Markisenantrieb auswählen Markise mit Elektromotor Markise mit Funkfernbedienung ]

    Width of the shading type*

    Depth of shading type

    Color of the awnings

    Color of the awning cassette

    [wpmlcf7-113-group group-montage-markise-wintergarten class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* markise-zusatz-wintergarten first_as_label select assembly service with assembly (all-round service) without assembly (as a kit) incl. delivery without assembly (as a kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-113-group][/]

    [wpmlcf7-114-group group-sonderfarbe-wintergarten-zusatz class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Specification of the special color of the awning cassette



    Put together your desired privacy screen

    [wpmlcf7-115-group group-breite-sicht-wintergarten class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Width of the privacy screen*

    Height of the privacy screen*

    [wpmlcf7-117-group group-design-wintergarten-sicht class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Design selection

    [select design-wintergarten-sicht first_as_label Design auswählen Aluminium VSG opal Aluminium / VSG opal ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-118-group group-farbe-wintergarten-sicht class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Color of the aluminum elements

    [select farbealu-zusatz-sicht exclusive first_as_label Farbe auswählen Standard Weiß RAL9016 Standard Silber RAL9006s Standard Graualuminium RAL9007s Standard Anthrazit DB703s Sonderfarbe ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-119-group group-montageart-sichtschutz-wintergarten class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Mounting type*

    [select* montageart-sicht-wintergarten first_as_label Montageart auswählen freistehend an Überdachung ]

    [wpmlcf7-120-group group-montage-sichtschutz-wintergarten class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* privacy screen conservatory first_as_label select assembly service with assembly (all-round service) without assembly (as a kit) incl. delivery without assembly (as a kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-120-group][/]

    [wpmlcf7-121-group group-sonderfarbe-sichschutz-zusatz class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Specification of the special color of the aluminum elements




    Width of the canopy* i

    Depth of the canopy* i

    Roof covering

    [wpmlcf7-125-group group-farbe-alu-schiebe class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Color of the aluminum elements

    [select farbealu-schiebe exclusive first_as_label Farbe auswählen Standard Anthrazit DB703s ]

    [wpmlcf7-126-group group-rinne-schiebe class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Rain gutter* i

    Standard - angular


    [select* regenrinne-schiebe exclusive first_as_label Regenrinne auswählen Eckig - Standard ]


    [wpmlcf7-127-group group-stuetze-schiebe class:half-width clear_on_hide]


    [select* pfosten-schiebe exclusive first_as_label Stützen auswählen Stützenform Eckig ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-128-group group-licht-schiebe class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    LED lighting*

    [select* beleuchtung-slide exclusive first_as_label LED-Beleuchtung auswählen ohne Beleuchtung mit 1 Set (6 LEDs) mit 2 Sets (12 LEDs) mit 3 Sets (18 LEDs) ] [/]

    [wpmlcf7-129-group group-montageart-schiebe class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Mounting type*

    [select* montageart-schiebe first_as_label Montageart auswählen Wandbefestigung ]

    [wpmlcf7-130-group group-montage-schiebe class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* montage-schiebe first_as_label Select assembly service with assembly (all-round service) without assembly (as a kit) incl. delivery without assembly (as a kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-130-group][/]

    [wpmlcf7-131-group group-daemmung-wand-schiebe clear_on_hide]

    Exterior insulation present?

    [/] [wpmlcf7-132-group group-daemmung-masse-schiebe] Dimensions in cm [/wpmlcf7-132-group]

    [wpmlcf7-133-group group-bauweise-wand-schiebe clear_on_hide]

    House construction?*

    [checkbox* bauweise-schiebe use_label_element exclusive Massiv Holzständer ] [/]

    [wpmlcf7-134-group group-holz-schiebe clear_on_hide]

    Attention! Only possible with ring anchor!

    [wpmlcf7-135-group group-zusatz-markise-schiebe clear_on_hide]

    Select more products


    Put together your desired awning

    [wpmlcf7-136-group group-beschattung-schiebe class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Type of shading

    [select beschattungsart-schiebe exclusive first_as_label Beschattung auswählen Aufdach-Markise Unterdach-Markise Senkrechtmarkise Sonnensegel ]

    [wpmlcf7-137-group group-antrieb-schiebe class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Awning drive

    [select markisenantrieb-schiebe exclusive first_as_label Markisenantrieb auswählen Markise mit manueller Handkurbel Markise mit Elektromotor Markise mit Funkfernbedienung ]

    [wpmlcf7-138-group group-antrieb-schiebe-aufdach class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Awning drive

    [select markisenantrieb-schiebe-aufdach exclusive first_as_label Markisenantrieb auswählen Markise mit Elektromotor Markise mit Funkfernbedienung ]

    Width of the shading type*

    Depth of shading type

    Color of the awnings

    Color of the awning cassette

    [wpmlcf7-143-group group-montage-markise-schiebe class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* markise-zusatz-schiebe first_as_label Select installation service with installation (all-round service) without installation (as a kit) incl. delivery without installation (as a kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-143-group][/]


    [wpmlcf7-144-group group-sonderfarbe-schiebe-zusatz class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Specification of the special color of the awning cassette


    Put together your desired privacy screen

    [wpmlcf7-145-group group-breite-sicht-schiebe class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Width of the privacy screen*

    Height of the privacy screen*

    [wpmlcf7-147-group group-design-schiebe-sicht class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Design selection

    [select design-schiebe-sicht first_as_label Design auswählen Aluminium VSG opal Aluminium / VSG opal ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-148-group group-farbe-schiebe-sicht class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Color of the aluminum elements

    [select farbealu-zusatz-schiebe-sicht exclusive first_as_label Farbe auswählen Standard Weiß RAL9016 Standard Silber RAL9006s Standard Graualuminium RAL9007s Standard Anthrazit DB703s Sonderfarbe ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-149-group group-montageart-sichtschutz-schiebe class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Mounting type*

    [select* montageart-sicht-schiebe first_as_label Montageart auswählen freistehend an Überdachung ]

    [wpmlcf7-150-group group-montage-sichtschutz-schiebe class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* sliding screen first_as_label select installation service with installation (all-round service) without installation (as a kit) incl. delivery without installation (as a kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-150-group][/]

    [wpmlcf7-151-group group-sonderfarbe-sichschutz-schiebe-zusatz class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Specification of the special color of the aluminum elements




    Width of the carport* i

    Depth of the carport* i

    Width of the entrance canopy* i

    Depth of the entrance canopy* i

    [wpmlcf7-156-group group-dach-carport-eingang class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Roof covering

    [select* dacheindeckung-carport-eingang first_as_label Dacheindeckung auswählen* Trapezblech silber Wellblech silber ]

    [wpmlcf7-157-group group-farbe-alu-carport-eingang class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Color of the aluminum elements

    [select farbealu-carport-eingang exclusive first_as_label Farbe auswählen Anthrazit DB703s ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-158-group group-stuetze-carport-eingang class:half-width clear_on_hide]


    [select* pfosten-carport-eingang exclusive first_as_label Stützen auswählen Stützenform Eckig ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-159-group group-licht-carport-eingang class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    LED lighting*

    [select* beleuchtung-carport-eingang exclusive first_as_label LED-Beleuchtung auswählen ohne Beleuchtung mit 1 Set (6 LEDs) mit 2 Sets (12 LEDs) mit 3 Sets (18 LEDs) ] [/]

    [wpmlcf7-160-group group-verkleidung-carport-eingang clear_on_hide]


    [select* verkleidung-carport-eingang exclusive first_as_label Verkleidung auswählen mit Verkleidung ohne Verkleidung ]

    [wpmlcf7-161-group group-montageart-carport-eingang class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Mounting type*

    [select* montageart-carport-eingang first_as_label Montageart auswählen Wandbefestigung freistehend ]

    [wpmlcf7-162-group group-montage-carport-eingang class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* assembly-carport-entrance first_as_label Select assembly service with assembly (all-round service) without assembly (as kit) incl. delivery without assembly (as kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-162-group][/]

    Exterior insulation present?

    House construction?*

    Attention! Only possible with ring anchor!

    [wpmlcf7-166-group group-zusatz-geraete-carport-eingang clear_on_hide]

    Select more products

    [checkbox geraete-carport-eingang KD AlphaBox (Gerätehaus) KD Sichtschutz ]


    Put together the shed you want

    [wpmlcf7-167-group group-vier-geraete-carport-eingang clear_on_hide]

    Width *



    Multi-purpose door

    [wpmlcf7-171-group group-farbe-geraete-carport-eingang class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Color of the aluminum elements

    [select farbealu-geraete-carport-eingang exclusive first_as_label Farbe auswählen Standard Weiß RAL9016 Standard Silber RAL9006s Standard Graualuminium RAL9007s Standard Anthrazit DB703s Sonderfarbe ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-172-group group-montage-geraete-carport-eingang class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* geraete-montage-carport-eingang first_as_label Select assembly service with assembly (all-round service) without assembly (as kit) incl. delivery without assembly (as kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-172-group][/]

    [wpmlcf7-173-group group-sonderfarbe-carport-zusatz-eingang class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Specification of the special color of the aluminum elements



    Put together your desired privacy screen

    [wpmlcf7-174-group group-breite-sicht-carport-eingang class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Width of the privacy screen*

    Height of the privacy screen*

    [wpmlcf7-176-group group-design-carport-sicht-eingang class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Design selection

    [select design-carport-sicht-eingang first_as_label Design auswählen Aluminium VSG opal Aluminium / VSG opal ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-177-group group-farbe-carport-sicht-eingang class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Color of the aluminum elements

    [select farbealu-zusatz-carport-sicht-eingang exclusive first_as_label Farbe auswählen Standard Weiß RAL9016 Standard Silber RAL9006s Standard Graualuminium RAL9007s Standard Anthrazit DB703s Sonderfarbe ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-178-group group-montageart-sichtschutz-carport-eingang class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Mounting type*

    [select* montageart-sicht-carport-eingang first_as_label Montageart auswählen freistehend an Überdachung ]

    [wpmlcf7-179-group group-montage-sichtschutz-carport-eingang class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* screen-carport-entrance first_as_label select assembly service with assembly (all-round service) without assembly (as a kit) incl. delivery without assembly (as a kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-179-group][/]

    [wpmlcf7-180-group group-sonderfarbe-sichschutz-carport-zusatz-eingang class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Specification of the special color of the aluminum elements




    Width of the canopy* i

    Depth of the canopy* i

    Roof covering

    [wpmlcf7-184-group group-farbe-alu-flach class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Color of the aluminum elements

    [select farbealu-flach exclusive first_as_label Farbe auswählen Standard Anthrazit DB703s ]

    [wpmlcf7-185-group group-begruenung-flach class:half-width clear_on_hide]


    [select* begruenung-flach exclusive first_as_label Bitte auswählen Ohne Begrünungsvorbereitung Mit Begrünungsvorbereitung ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-186-group group-verkleidung-flach class:half-width clear_on_hide]


    [select* verkleidung-flach exclusive first_as_label Verkleidung auswählen Ohne Verkleidung Mit Verkleidung ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-187-group group-montage-flach class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* assembly-flat first_as_label Select assembly service with assembly (all-round service) without assembly (as a kit) incl. delivery without assembly (as a kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-187-group][/]

    [wpmlcf7-188-group group-zusatz-geraete-flach clear_on_hide]

    Select more products

    [checkbox geraete-flach KD AlphaBox (Gerätehaus) KD Sichtschutz ]


    Put together the shed you want

    [wpmlcf7-189-group group-vier-geraete-flach clear_on_hide]

    Width *



    Multi-purpose door

    Color of the aluminum elements

    Assembly service*

    Specification of the special color of the aluminum elements



    Put together your desired privacy screen

    [wpmlcf7-197-group group-breite-sicht-flach class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Width of the privacy screen*

    Height of the privacy screen*

    [wpmlcf7-199-group group-design-flach-sicht class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Design selection

    [select design-flach-sicht first_as_label Design auswählen Aluminium VSG opal Aluminium / VSG opal ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-200-group group-farbe-flach-sicht class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Color of the aluminum elements

    [select farbealu-zusatz-flach-sicht exclusive first_as_label Farbe auswählen Standard Weiß RAL9016 Standard Silber RAL9006s Standard Graualuminium RAL9007s Standard Anthrazit DB703s Sonderfarbe ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-201-group group-montageart-sichtschutz-flach class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Mounting type*

    [select* montageart-sicht-flach first_as_label Montageart auswählen freistehend an Überdachung ]

    [wpmlcf7-202-group group-montage-sichtschutz-flach class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* privacy screen-flat first_as_label select installation service with installation (all-round service) without installation (as a kit) incl. delivery without installation (as a kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-202-group][/]

    [wpmlcf7-203-group group-sonderfarbe-sichschutz-flach-zusatz class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Specification of the special color of the aluminum elements




    Width of the canopy* i

    Roof covering

    [wpmlcf7-206-group group-farbe-alu-sky]

    Color of the aluminum elements

    [select farbealu-sky exclusive first_as_label Farbe auswählen Standard Weiß RAL9016 Standard Silber RAL9006s Standard Graualuminium RAL9007s Standard Anthrazit DB703s Sonderfarbe ]

    [wpmlcf7-207-group group-montageart-sky clear_on_hide]

    Mounting type*

    [select* montageart-sky first_as_label Montageart auswählen Wandbefestigung ]

    [wpmlcf7-208-group group-montage-sky clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* montage-sky first_as_label Select assembly service with assembly (all-round service) without assembly (as a kit) incl. delivery without assembly (as a kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-208-group][/]

    [wpmlcf7-209-group group-daemmung-wand-sky clear_on_hide]

    Exterior insulation present?

    [/] [wpmlcf7-210-group group-daemmung-masse-sky] Dimensions in cm [/wpmlcf7-210-group]

    [wpmlcf7-211-group group-bauweise-wand-sky clear_on_hide]

    House construction?*

    [checkbox* bauweise-sky use_label_element exclusive Massiv Holzständer ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-212-group group-holz-sky clear_on_hide]

    Attention! Only possible with ring anchor!

    [wpmlcf7-213-group group-sonderfarbe-sky clear_on_hide]

    Specification of the special color of the aluminum elements



    Width of the canopy in cm* i

    [wpmlcf7-215-group group-licht-sky-line clear_on_hide]

    LED lighting*

    [select* beleuchtung-sky-line exclusive first_as_label Bitte auswählen* Ja Nein ]

    [wpmlcf7-216-group group-rinne-sky-line clear_on_hide]

    Eye-catcher (side panel)*

    [select* rinne-sky-line exclusive first_as_label Bitte auswählen* Rechts Links ]

    [wpmlcf7-217-group group-farbe-alu-sky-line clear_on_hide]

    Color of the aluminum elements*

    [select* farbealu-sky-line exclusive first_as_label Farbe auswählen* Standard Anthrazit DB703s ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-218-group group-briefkasten-sky-line clear_on_hide]

    Number of letterboxes*

    [select* briefkasten-sky-line exclusive first_as_label Bitte auswählen* 0 1 2 3 ][/]


    [wpmlcf7-219-group group-montageart-sky-line class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Mounting type*

    [select* montageart-sky-line first_as_label Montageart auswählen Wandbefestigung ]

    [wpmlcf7-220-group group-montage-sky-line class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* montage-sky-line first_as_label Select assembly service with assembly (all-round service) without assembly (as a kit) incl. delivery without assembly (as a kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-220-group][/]

    [wpmlcf7-221-group group-daemmung-wand-sky-line clear_on_hide]

    Exterior insulation present?

    [/] [wpmlcf7-222-group group-daemmung-masse-sky-line] Dimensions in cm [/wpmlcf7-222-group]

    [wpmlcf7-223-group group-bauweise-wand-sky-line clear_on_hide]

    House construction?*


    [wpmlcf7-224-group group-massiv-sky-line clear_on_hide]

    (Can only be mounted on concrete façades)


    Width of the canopy* i

    Depth of the canopy* i

    Roof covering

    [wpmlcf7-228-group group-farbe-alu-vordach class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Color of the aluminum elements

    [select farbealu-vordach exclusive first_as_label Farbe auswählen Standard Weiß RAL9016 Standard Silber RAL9006s Standard Graualuminium RAL9007s Standard Anthrazit DB703s Sonderfarbe ]

    [wpmlcf7-229-group group-rinne-vordach class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Rain gutter* i

    Standard - angular

    Attachment - round

    Top - corrugated


    [select* regenrinne-vordach exclusive first_as_label Regenrinne auswählen Eckig - Standard Aufsatz Gewellt Aufsatz Rund ]


    [wpmlcf7-230-group group-stuetze-vordach class:half-width clear_on_hide]


    [select* pfosten-vordach exclusive first_as_label Stützen auswählen Stützenform Eckig Stützenform Rund ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-231-group group-licht-vordach class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    LED lighting*

    [select* beleuchtung-vordach exclusive first_as_label LED-Beleuchtung auswählen ohne Beleuchtung mit 1 Set (6 LEDs) mit 2 Sets (12 LEDs) mit 3 Sets (18 LEDs) ] [/]

    [wpmlcf7-232-group group-montageart-vordach class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Mounting type*

    [select* montageart-vordach first_as_label Montageart auswählen Wandbefestigung freistehend ]

    [wpmlcf7-233-group group-montage-vordach class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* montage-vordach first_as_label Select assembly service with assembly (all-round service) without assembly (as a kit) incl. delivery without assembly (as a kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-233-group][/]

    [wpmlcf7-234-group group-daemmung-wand-vordach clear_on_hide]

    Exterior insulation present?

    [/] [wpmlcf7-235-group group-daemmung-masse-vordach] Dimensions in cm [/wpmlcf7-235-group]

    [wpmlcf7-236-group group-bauweise-wand-vordach clear_on_hide]

    House construction?*

    [checkbox* bauweise-vordach use_label_element exclusive Massiv Holzständer ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-237-group group-holz-vordach clear_on_hide]

    Attention! Only possible with ring anchor!

    [wpmlcf7-238-group group-sonderfarbe-vordach clear_on_hide]

    Specification of the special color of the aluminum elements



    Width of the canopy* i

    Depth of the canopy* i

    Roof covering

    [wpmlcf7-242-group group-farbe-alu-grill clear_on_hide]

    Color of the aluminum elements

    [select farbealu-grill exclusive first_as_label Farbe auswählen Standard Weiß RAL9016 Standard Silber RAL9006s Standard Graualuminium RAL9007s Standard Anthrazit DB703s Sonderfarbe ]

    [wpmlcf7-243-group group-rinne-grill clear_on_hide]

    Rain gutter* i

    Standard - angular

    Attachment - round

    Top - corrugated


    [select* regenrinne-grill exclusive first_as_label Regenrinne auswählen Eckig - Standard Aufsatz Gewellt Aufsatz Rund ]


    [wpmlcf7-244-group group-stuetze-grill clear_on_hide]


    [select* pfosten-grill exclusive first_as_label Stützen auswählen Stützenform Eckig Stützenform Rund ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-245-group group-licht-grill clear_on_hide]

    LED lighting*

    [select* beleuchtung-grill exclusive first_as_label LED-Beleuchtung auswählen ohne Beleuchtung mit 1 Set (6 LEDs) mit 2 Sets (12 LEDs) mit 3 Sets (18 LEDs) ] [/]

    [wpmlcf7-246-group group-montageart-grill class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Mounting type*

    [select* montageart-grill first_as_label Montageart auswählen Wandbefestigung freistehend ]

    [wpmlcf7-247-group group-montage-grill class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* montage-grill first_as_label Select assembly service with assembly (all-round service) without assembly (as a kit) incl. delivery without assembly (as a kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-247-group][/]

    [wpmlcf7-248-group group-daemmung-wand-grill clear_on_hide]

    Exterior insulation present?

    [/] [wpmlcf7-249-group group-daemmung-masse-grill] Dimensions in cm [/wpmlcf7-249-group]

    [wpmlcf7-250-group group-bauweise-wand-grill clear_on_hide]

    House construction?*

    [checkbox* bauweise-grill use_label_element exclusive Massiv Holzständer ] [/]

    [wpmlcf7-251-group group-holz-grill clear_on_hide]

    Attention! Only possible with ring anchor!

    [wpmlcf7-252-group group-sonderfarbe-grill clear_on_hide]

    Specification of the special color of the aluminum elements


    [wpmlcf7-253-group group-zusatz-markise-grill clear_on_hide]

    Select more products


    Put together your desired privacy screen

    [wpmlcf7-254-group group-breite-sicht-grill clear_on_hide]

    Width of the privacy screen*

    Height of the privacy screen*

    [wpmlcf7-256-group group-design-grill-sicht clear_on_hide]

    Design selection

    [select design-grill-sicht first_as_label Design auswählen Aluminium VSG opal Aluminium / VSG opal ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-257-group group-farbe-grill-sicht clear_on_hide]

    Color of the aluminum elements

    [select farbealu-zusatz-grill-sicht exclusive first_as_label Farbe auswählen Standard Weiß RAL9016 Standard Silber RAL9006s Standard Graualuminium RAL9007s Standard Anthrazit DB703s Sonderfarbe ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-258-group group-montageart-sichtschutz-grill clear_on_hide]

    Mounting type*

    [select* montageart-sicht-grill first_as_label Montageart auswählen freistehend an Überdachung ]

    [wpmlcf7-259-group group-montage-sichtschutz-grill clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* screen grill first_as_label select assembly service with assembly (all-round service) without assembly (as kit) incl. delivery without assembly (as kit) self-collector [/wpmlcf7-259-group][/]

    [wpmlcf7-260-group group-sonderfarbe-sichschutz-grill-zusatz clear_on_hide]

    Specification of the special color of the aluminum elements




    Width of the canopy* i

    Depth of the canopy* i

    Roof covering

    [wpmlcf7-264-group group-farbe-alu-industrie class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Color of the aluminum elements

    [select farbealu-industrie exclusive first_as_label Farbe auswählen Standard Weiß RAL9016 Standard Silber RAL9006s Standard Graualuminium RAL9007s Standard Anthrazit DB703s Sonderfarbe ]

    [wpmlcf7-265-group group-rinne-industrie class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Rain gutter* i

    Standard - angular

    Attachment - round

    Top - corrugated


    [select* regenrinne-industrie exclusive first_as_label Regenrinne auswählen Eckig – Standard Aufsatz Gewellt Aufsatz Rund ]


    [wpmlcf7-266-group group-stuetze-industrie class:half-width clear_on_hide]


    [select* pfosten-industrie exclusive first_as_label Stützen auswählen Stützenform Eckig Stützenform Rund ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-267-group group-licht-industrie class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    LED lighting*

    [select* beleuchtung-industrie exclusive first_as_label LED-Beleuchtung auswählen ohne Beleuchtung mit 1 Set (6 LEDs) mit 2 Sets (12 LEDs) mit 3 Sets (18 LEDs) ] [/]

    [wpmlcf7-268-group group-montageart-industrie class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Mounting type*

    [select* montageart-industrie first_as_label Montageart auswählen Wandbefestigung freistehend ]
    [wpmlcf7-269-group group-montage-industrie class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* montage-industrie first_as_label Select assembly service with assembly (all-round service) without assembly (as a kit) incl. delivery without assembly (as a kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-269-group][/]

    [wpmlcf7-270-group group-daemmung-wand-industrie clear_on_hide]

    Exterior insulation present?

    [/] [wpmlcf7-271-group group-daemmung-masse-industrie] Dimensions in cm [/wpmlcf7-271-group]

    [wpmlcf7-272-group group-bauweise-wand-industrie clear_on_hide]

    House construction?*

    [checkbox* bauweise-industrie use_label_element exclusive Massiv Holzständer ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-273-group group-holz-industrie clear_on_hide]

    Attention! Only possible with ring anchor!

    [wpmlcf7-274-group group-sonderfarbe-industrie clear_on_hide]

    Specification of special colors


    [wpmlcf7-275-group group-zusatz-industrie clear_on_hide]

    Select more products


    Put together your desired awning

    [wpmlcf7-276-group group-beschattung-industrie clear_on_hide]

    Type of shading

    [select beschattungsart-industrie exclusive first_as_label Beschattung auswählen Aufdach-Markise Unterdach-Markise Senkrechtmarkise Sonnensegel ]

    [wpmlcf7-277-group group-antrieb-industrie clear_on_hide]

    Awning drive

    [select markisenantrieb-industrie exclusive first_as_label Markisenantrieb auswählen Markise mit manueller Handkurbel Markise mit Elektromotor Markise mit Funkfernbedienung ]

    [wpmlcf7-278-group group-antrieb-industrie-aufdach clear_on_hide]

    Awning drive

    [select markisenantrieb-industrie-aufdach exclusive first_as_label Markisenantrieb auswählen Markise mit Elektromotor Markise mit Funkfernbedienung ]

    Width of the shading type*

    Depth of shading type

    Color of the awnings

    Color of the awning cassette

    [wpmlcf7-283-group group-montage-markise-industrie clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* markise-zusatz-industrie first_as_label Select installation service with installation (all-round service) without installation (as a kit) incl. delivery without installation (as a kit) Self-collection [/wpmlcf7-283-group][/]

    [wpmlcf7-284-group group-sonderfarbe-industrie-zusatz clear_on_hide]

    Specification of the special color of the awning cassette



    Put together your desired privacy screen

    [wpmlcf7-285-group group-breite-sicht-industrie clear_on_hide]

    Width of the privacy screen*

    Height of the privacy screen*

    [wpmlcf7-287-group group-design-industrie-sicht clear_on_hide]

    Design selection

    [select design-industrie-sicht first_as_label Design auswählen Aluminium VSG opal Aluminium / VSG opal ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-288-group group-farbe-industrie-sicht clear_on_hide]

    Color of the aluminum elements

    [select farbealu-zusatz-sicht-industrie exclusive first_as_label Farbe auswählen Standard Weiß RAL9016 Standard Silber RAL9006s Standard Graualuminium RAL9007s Standard Anthrazit DB703s Sonderfarbe ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-289-group group-montageart-sichtschutz-industrie clear_on_hide]

    Mounting type*

    [select* montageart-sicht-industrie first_as_label Montageart auswählen freistehend an Überdachung ]

    [wpmlcf7-290-group group-montage-sichtschutz-industrie clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* sichtschutz-industrie first_as_label Select installation service with installation (all-round service) without installation (as a kit) incl. delivery without installation (as a kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-290-group][/]

    [wpmlcf7-291-group group-sonderfarbe-sichschutz-zusatz-industrie clear_on_hide]

    Specification of the special color of the aluminum elements




    Width of the canopy* i

    Depth of the canopy* i

    Roof covering

    [wpmlcf7-295-group group-farbe-alu-balkon class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Color of the aluminum elements

    [select farbealu-balkon exclusive first_as_label Farbe auswählen Standard Weiß RAL9016 Standard Silber RAL9006s Standard Graualuminium RAL9007s Standard Anthrazit DB703s Sonderfarbe ]

    [wpmlcf7-296-group group-rinne-balkon class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Rain gutter* i

    Standard - angular

    Attachment - round

    Top - corrugated


    [select* regenrinne-balkon exclusive first_as_label Regenrinne auswählen Eckig - Standard Aufsatz Gewellt Aufsatz Rund ]


    [wpmlcf7-297-group group-stuetze-balkon class:half-width clear_on_hide]


    [select* pfosten-balkon exclusive first_as_label Stützen auswählen Stützenform Eckig Stützenform Rund ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-298-group group-licht-balkon class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    LED lighting*

    [select* beleuchtung-balkon exclusive first_as_label LED-Beleuchtung auswählen ohne Beleuchtung mit 1 Set (6 LEDs) mit 2 Sets (12 LEDs) mit 3 Sets (18 LEDs) ] [/]

    [wpmlcf7-299-group group-montageart-balkon class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Mounting type*

    [select* montageart-balkon first_as_label Montageart auswählen Wandbefestigung freistehend ]

    [wpmlcf7-300-group group-montage-balkon class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* montage-balkon first_as_label Select assembly service with assembly (all-round service) without assembly (as a kit) incl. delivery without assembly (as a kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-300-group][/]

    [wpmlcf7-301-group group-daemmung-wand-balkon clear_on_hide]

    Exterior insulation present?

    [/] [wpmlcf7-302-group group-daemmung-masse-balkon] Dimensions in cm [/wpmlcf7-302-group]

    [wpmlcf7-303-group group-bauweise-wand-balkon clear_on_hide]

    House construction?*

    [checkbox* bauweise-balkon use_label_element exclusive Massiv Holzständer ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-304-group group-holz-balkon clear_on_hide]

    Attention! Only possible with ring anchor!

    [wpmlcf7-305-group group-sonderfarbe-balkon clear_on_hide]

    Specification of the special color of the aluminum elements


    [wpmlcf7-306-group group-zusatz-markise-balkon clear_on_hide]

    Select more products


    Put together your desired awning

    [wpmlcf7-307-group group-beschattung-balkon class:half-width]

    Type of shading

    [select beschattungsart-balkon exclusive first_as_label Beschattung auswählen Aufdach-Markise Unterdach-Markise Senkrechtmarkise Sonnensegel ]

    [wpmlcf7-308-group group-antrieb-balkon class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Awning drive

    [select markisenantrieb-balkon exclusive first_as_label Markisenantrieb auswählen Markise mit manueller Handkurbel Markise mit Elektromotor Markise mit Funkfernbedienung ]

    [wpmlcf7-309-group group-antrieb-balkon-aufdach class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Awning drive

    [select markisenantrieb-balkon-aufdach exclusive first_as_label Markisenantrieb auswählen Markise mit Elektromotor Markise mit Funkfernbedienung ]

    Width of the shading type*

    Depth of shading type

    Color of the awnings

    Color of the awning cassette

    [wpmlcf7-314-group group-montage-markise-balkon class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* markise-zusatz-balkon first_as_label Select installation service with installation (all-round service) without installation (as a kit) incl. delivery without installation (as a kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-314-group][/]


    [wpmlcf7-315-group group-sonderfarbe-balkon-zusatz class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Specification of the special color of the awning cassette



    [wpmlcf7-316-group group-beschattung class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Shading type*

    [select* beschattungsart first_as_label Beschattung auswählen* Aufdach-Markise Unterdach-Markise Senkrechtmarkise Gelenkarmmarkise (Wandanbringung) Sonnensegel ]

    [wpmlcf7-317-group group-antrieb class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Awning drive*

    [select* markisenantrieb first_as_label Markisenantrieb auswählen* Markise mit manueller Handkurbel Markise mit Elektromotor Markise mit Funkfernbedienung ]

    [wpmlcf7-318-group group-antrieb-aufdach class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Awning drive*

    [select* markisenantrieb-aufdach first_as_label Markisenantrieb auswählen* Markise mit Elektromotor Markise mit Funkfernbedienung ]

    Width of the shading type*

    Depth of shading type*

    Color of the awnings*

    Color of the awning cassette*

    [wpmlcf7-323-group group-montage-markise class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* markise-montage first_as_label Select installation service with installation (all-round service) without installation (as a kit) incl. delivery without installation (as a kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-323-group][/]

    [wpmlcf7-324-group group-sonderfarbe-markise class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Specification of the special color of the awning cassette*



    [wpmlcf7-325-group group-design-sichtschutz class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Design selection

    [select design-sichtschutz first_as_label Design auswählen Aluminium VSG opal Aluminium / VSG opal ]

    [wpmlcf7-326-group group-farbe-alu-sichtschutz class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Color of the aluminum elements

    [select farbealu-sicht exclusive first_as_label Farbe auswählen Standard Weiß RAL9016 Standard Silber RAL9006s Standard Graualuminium RAL9007s Standard Anthrazit DB703s Sonderfarbe ][/]

    Width of the safety guard*

    Height of the safety guard*

    [wpmlcf7-329-group group-montageart-sicht class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Mounting type*

    [select* montageart-sicht first_as_label Montageart auswählen freistehend an Überdachung ]

    [wpmlcf7-330-group group-montage-sicht class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* sicht-montage first_as_label Select assembly service with assembly (all-round service) without assembly (as a kit) incl. delivery without assembly (as a kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-330-group][/]

    [wpmlcf7-331-group group-sonderfarbe-sicht clear_on_hide]

    Specification of the special color of the aluminum elements



    [wpmlcf7-332-group group-farbe-alu-geraete clear_on_hide]

    Color of the aluminum elements

    [select farbealu-geraete exclusive first_as_label Farbe auswählen Standard Weiß RAL9016 Standard Silber RAL9006s Standard Graualuminium RAL9007s Standard Anthrazit DB703s Sonderfarbe ]

    [wpmlcf7-333-group group-montage-geraete clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* devices first_as_label select assembly service with assembly (all-round service) without assembly (as kit) incl. delivery without assembly (as kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-333-group][/]

    [wpmlcf7-334-group group-vier-geraete clear_on_hide]

    Width *



    Multi-purpose door


    [wpmlcf7-338-group group-sonderfarbe-geraete clear_on_hide]

    Specification of the special color of the aluminum elements



    [wpmlcf7-339-group group-farbe-alu-gelaender class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Color of the aluminum elements

    [select farbealu-gelaender exclusive first_as_label Farbe auswählen Weiß RAL9016 Silber RAL9006s Standard Graualuminium RAL9007s Anthrazit DB703s ]

    [wpmlcf7-340-group group-design-gelaender class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Design selection

    [select design-170 first_as_label Design auswählen Aluminium VSG opal VSG Klar Aluminium / VSG opal Aluminium / VSG Klar ][/]

    Length of the railing*

    Height of the railing*


    Dimension* i

    Roof covering*

    [wpmlcf7-345-group group-farbe-alu-cubebox class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Color of the aluminum elements*

    [select farbealu-cubebox exclusive first_as_label Farbe auswählen Standard Graualuminium RAL9007s Standard Anthrazit DB703s ]

    [wpmlcf7-346-group group-begruenung-cubebox class:half-width clear_on_hide]


    [select* begruenung-cubebox exclusive first_as_label Bitte auswählen Ohne Begrünungsvorbereitung Mit Begrünungsvorbereitung ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-347-group group-licht-cubebox class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    LED lighting*

    [select* beleuchtung-cubebox exclusive first_as_label LED-Beleuchtung auswählen ohne Beleuchtung mit 1 Set (6 LEDs) ] [/]

    [wpmlcf7-348-group group-montage-cubebox class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* montage-cubebox first_as_label Select assembly service with assembly (all-round service) without assembly (as kit) incl. delivery without assembly (as kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-348-group][/]


    [wpmlcf7-349-group group-farbe-alu-highboard class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Color of the aluminum elements*

    [select* farbealu-highboard exclusive first_as_label Farbe auswählen* silber-metallic quarzgrau-metallic dunkelgrau-metallic ]

    [wpmlcf7-350-group group-montage-highboard class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* montage-highboard first_as_label select assembly service* with assembly (all-round service) without assembly (as a kit) incl. delivery without assembly (as a kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-350-group][/]



    Width *


    [wpmlcf7-354-group group-farbe-dach-line class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Color of the roof covering*

    [select* farbe-dach-line exclusive first_as_label Bitte auswählen* Rauchglasgrau ]

    [wpmlcf7-355-group group-farbe-alu-line class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Color of the aluminum elements*

    [select* farbealu-line exclusive first_as_label Bitte auswählen* Edelstahl-Look ][/]

    [wpmlcf7-356-group group-montage-line class:half-width clear_on_hide]

    Assembly service*

    [select* montage-line first_as_label select assembly service* with assembly (all-round service) without assembly (as a kit) incl. delivery without assembly (as a kit) self-collection [/wpmlcf7-356-group][/]


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